A fast way to reach cryo em users.

Scipion is a plugin framework ready to discover new EM image processing software once you wrap it as a plugin.

Developer docs

Written in python

Scipion is written in python and its plugins too. Python has nowadays gained popularity being one of the most widely used programming language for scientific computing.

Using pypi

We use pypi.org to deploy our plugins and you are in control of your code at any time. If you are struggling to develop a fully functional plugin after reading our documentation, you can always contact us for help.

At your pace

We are all busy, we know that. That is why we think you should own the whole development cycle of the plugin, at your pace.

Reach SB users fast

Scipion is downloaded 2-3 times a day. You can reach all Scipion users as soon as you publish your plugin. See the download statistics.

Automated testing

Your code, even your binaries, can be regularly tested. Both development and production branches!

Usage stats

We are collecting usage statistics, with user consent, and you will have feedback about the usage of your methods "out of the box".

Just your method/s

There is no need to pack your software with a 3rd party software to create another "full-stack software suite" to cover the whole pipeline. We are doing it for you!

File format conversions

Support of common file formats conversions is provided (mrc, vol, hdf, dm4, mrc4bit, tiff, …). Your software can implement just one and let Scipion/Xmipp do the file format conversion.

Focus on the method

Scipion provides a uniform GUI. You just need to focus on your protocol implementation and, if desired, create a results viewer. Have a look at the documentation.