This is a dynamic list of methods grouped by package that are present in Scipion. Some of them might come from a development environment and soon will be released.
This plugin allows to use chimeraX commands within the Scipion framework.
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emThis plugin provide a wrapper around Cryoassess software tools for automatic micrograph and 2D classes assessment.
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emPlugin url
Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emISPyB monitor for facility ESRF
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emThis plugin allows to use different utils for cryo-EM facilities (like monitors) within the Scipion framework.
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emThis project is a Scipion plugin to make depositions to
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emDEPRECATED! Plugin to use Grigorieff Lab (not CisTEM) programs within the Scipion framework.
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emThis plugin includes two protocols to provide wrappers around Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA) module of IMAGIC software suite
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emA "bag" for protocols that has been deprecated
Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emPlugin url
Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emProgram from Alexandre Bonvin and Gydo van Zundert (Utrecht University) for rigid body fitting of an atomic structure into a 3D volume
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emThis plugin allows to use Simple programs within the Scipion framework.
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emThis plugin provides wrappers for Susan software: subtomogram averaging (StA) workflow for CryoET based on sub-stacks of images instead of sub-volumes of tomograms.
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emPlugin url
Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emScipion plugin for segmentation and annotation of membranes in tomograms (with TomoSegmenTV and memb-annotator, respectively)
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emThis plugin provides a wrapper for TomoTwin software: Particle picking in Tomograms using triplet networks and metric learning
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emPlugin url
Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emPlugin to use Xmipp programs within the Scipion framework.
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emThis plugin provide a wrapper around ProDy software: A Python Package for Protein Dynamics Analysis
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emscipion-ed is the base plugin defining the Domain for Electron Diffraction image processing
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo emBase plugin to deal with EM data. Provides all the import protocols and the model for EM objects (Micrograpths, Movies, Volumes, etc)
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Available in Linux. Scientific software, Image processing, cryo em